We are a dependent charity foundation under German law. The Administration will be performed through the Ernst Abbe Foundation in Jena.

The goal of our Foundation is as follows:

Die Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP, FSP, SSP, Struempell's disease) 

Contact office at Muenster
Veghestrasse 22
48149-Münster (Germany)
Tel: +49-251-20079120
homepage: www.hsp-info.de

Our patron:
MdB Christoph Straesser member of parlament, Berlin

Our board:
Dr. Tom Wahlig, Münster   
Prof. Dr. Thomas Deufel, Jena
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Weiller , Freiburg

Administration Jena
Forstweg 31
D-07745 Jena
Tel:+49 (0) 36 41 / 46 12 10
Fax:+49 (0) 36 41 / 46 1246 

responsible for this homepage
Dr. Tom Wahlig, Veghestr.22, 48149 Münster

all pictures except own photos are:

