TWS Sympsoium I treatHSP Meeting on December 1.+2. in Tübingen

"HSP Landscapes around the world"

Thanks to numerous registrations and a large number of high-profile talks by HSP researchers from around the world, as well as more than 30 poster presentations by young investigators, we are very much looking forward to our two-day symposium in Tübingen, planned jointly with the treatHSP consortium.

During the symposium, the new recipients of the 2022 TWS Research Award, Julia Kleniuk from Cambridge and Afshin Saffari from Boston, will also present their TWS-funded projects.

The Euro-HSP group recently awarded Martin Regensburger from Erlangen with the Adolf Struempell Prize. He will also present his work in Tübingen.

A program overview can be found here.

Since the hotel contingent is almost fully booked, requests for registration are only possible directly by mail to