Awarding of the 3rd TWS Advanced Scholarship

Two scientists receive each 60.000 €

Out of eight international applications our three-man jury decided to award the Advanced Scholarship (120.000 €) to two promising projects: Dr. Christian Beetz (Jena, Germany) receive 60.000 € for his project Defining the therapeutic potential of somatic gene repair for hereditary spastic paraplegia and Dr. Peter Baas (Philadelphia, USA) receive the prize money for his work on Therapies for SPG4-HSP using a new genetic mouse espressing mutant human SPAST.

During our 16th symposium in Bochum on March 31st, 2017, Prof. André Reis (Institute of Human Genetics, Erlangen, Germany) made the speech in the winner´s honour.

On the photo (left to right): Prof. André Reis, Dr. Liang Qiang (by proxy for P. Baas), Dr. Henry Wahlig, Dr. Christian Beetz, Dr. Tom Wahlig, Susanne Wahlig